April 28, 2005
The Christian Icelandic Zionists
Today I received a newsletter from the "Zion Friends of Israel", which consist of Icelandic, Christian zionists. While I am not a member and have paid no attention to their work, I have always been aware of their existence. The newsletter I received (much to my surprise) caused me to visit their website. While the "Icelandic Zionists" have a somewhat different approach from me in the sense that their emphasis on Christianity is obvious, I am certainly impressed to see how this website (as was their excellent newsletter) is informative, useful and clearly created by someone who knows and truly cares.
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Trackback from Munuviana, MuNubies!:
Well, there seems to be no official announcement up yet. Which makes ne wonder how Ted got the scoop on the new batch of Munuvians. (I'm guessing that it was the automated blogroll...?) Anywho, I've been perusing the Munubies. Give...
Trackback from Rocket Jones, Sky on Fire, Earth on Fire:
Not one, but two nifty internet places to visit from Iceland, land of geothermal energy. Denita points the way to these beautiful photos of the Aurora Borealis. Stop by and say hello to Maria, a new Munuvian member who lives...
It's that time again
My day has consisted of the following events:
Getting up early, doing the laundry, making dinner for this day and the next
(so I won't have to take precious time away from studying tomorrow to cook),
having breakfast, making coffee and then studying for the next 11 hours with
few and short breaks, while drinking ridiculous and extremely unhealthy
amounts of coffee.
You guessed it, exam period has started. So until May 6th (along with an essay
deadline set for the 17th), I shall not be blogging much (unless I'll be
slacking, but considering the tight schedual I certainly hope I won't).
I hope to 'see' you all again after I'm done!

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Narrating bloggers
Since I have exam reading these days I have little time to spend on my blog
(although I would neglect pretty much anything for this
obsession-called-internet). Also I see that fellow bloggers are doing such an
excellent job (as usual, except for
David Treppenwitz though, he's slacking!) describing current events.
But I did want to mention one thing that crossed my mind while reading Gilly's
blog. I have never met Gilly, but I am very well aware of the fact that he is
born and bred in London, and according to David Treppenwitz (who has met him),
he sounds like "a narrator for the BBC".
Now I don't know about the rest of you (again, except for Treppenwitz who
calls them "voices in his head"), but I always, always narrate while reading
blogs, and often the accents/voices I hear in my head make little sense. The
only voices I've actually heard are those of the following:
Lisa: A Canadian with a very sophisticated and personalised way of
speaking. It's really contagious.
She can speak really fast in Hebrew by the way.
My Obiter Dicta (Jeffrey): He speaks really fast and I actually
sometimes had problems keeping up. (He and Lisa both speak in virtually
unaccented Hebrew, which is unusual for anglo-Israeli adults).
Treppenwitz: Has the kind of voice that has a really calming effect on
you. It has crossed my mind that David should have become a dentist. I think
that might have worked out quite well!
However, apart from that it's left to my imagination, so I decided to share
with you how I 'narrate' some of my regular reads (in my head, of course).
Israellycool: American accent, in an excited tone of voice (and yes I know you're Australian).
But then the question remains. How do you all narrate me? Come on, lets hear it..
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