April 06, 2006

Just so you know it, this is not really a politically correct post

What a tremendously absurd website, devoted entirely to "protesting the way the prophet Mohammed was insulted in Danish media". It even has an absurd name, "Ya' Mohammed".
As a person living in a country that has very close relations with Denmark, and as someone that has visited Denmark probably around 30 times, I've always found it to be pretty much the most uninteresting place on earth. After this deal with the moslems having a cow about the cartoons in Jyllands Posten, I must say that Denmark has suddenly become a little cooler in my mind. Ya know, they're kind of like rebels. Ya' Denmark ;). Another positive thing about Denmark is the fact that they have an utterly charming, pro-Israel prime minister.

Kurt Westergaard, the cartoonist of the highly controversial drawings (yes, I'm being sarcastic by using the word 'controversial'), said he had no regrets about what he had done. At first, that is. After a few thousand death threats I guess he changed his mind, cause he's now planning to help the Iranians draw a series of cartoons about the holocaust. Doesn't that sound like a laugh?
One finds it difficult to understand why moslems demand the entire world to respect their culture, when they don't give a damn about anybody else's.

Anyway, I hope a moslem or two stumble into this page and find this picture offensive:


Posted by Maria at April 6, 2006 03:36 PM | TrackBacks
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The people who run that site obviously don't believe that free speech works both ways-- they want people to be punished for making inflammatory statements about Islam but have no problem saying that Zionists imprison intellectuals, and other nonsense. Now if that isn't hypocrisy...

The newspaper at my school published those cartoons a while ago and you know what happened to the editors of the paper? They got fired. It was all over the news. Apparently, our chancellor didn't believe that the drawings painted an accurate picture of Muslims, but berated the editors for putting the entire university in danger because he was afraid that Muslims and their supporters would react violently to seeing them printed in the Daily Illini. Seriously. I'm guessing he didn't catch the irony.

Anyway, sorry for taking up so much space. :)

Posted by: Miri at April 7, 2006 03:29 AM Permalink

Fired? You're kidding!

Posted by: Maria at April 7, 2006 09:03 AM Permalink

Muslims don't give a damn about you? When have you EVER seen an offensive drawing or something said about Christians by a Muslim? Would you be offended if for example, a Muslim depicted Jesus as Hitler or something? Of course you would. That is something called RACISM. Honey, go and study something about other religions. Learn that the Qur'An (the holy book of Islam) is so much like the Bible. It includes the same prophets and same morals. Did you even know that there are more than just Arab Muslims? There are millions without the dark skin, beards, turbans, or shawls. Black and white, even Asian-looking. Suni AND Shi'ite. Get over yourself..And stop thinking from just your point of view.

Posted by: .... at April 11, 2006 10:05 PM Permalink

Muslims don't give a damn about you? When have you EVER seen an offensive drawing or something said about Christians by a Muslim? Would you be offended if for example, a Muslim depicted Jesus as Hitler or something? Of course you would. That is something called RACISM. Honey, go and study something about other religions. Learn that the Qur'An (the holy book of Islam) is so much like the Bible. It includes the same prophets and same morals. Did you even know that there are more than just Arab Muslims? There are millions without the dark skin, beards, turbans, or shawls. Black and white, even Asian-looking. Suni AND Shi'ite. Get over yourself..And stop thinking from just your point of view.

Posted by: Anji at April 11, 2006 10:48 PM Permalink

I daresay that I've seen outrageous cartoons by Muslims depicting Jews as baby-eating monsters, devils, snakes and worse. I've yet to see embassies of islamic countries torched.

By the way, religion does not equal race. You choose your religion.

Posted by: Arni at April 12, 2006 12:51 PM Permalink

I think that it is quite naive to say that you choose your religion - maybe in the West we do, we could even talk about a spiritual marketplace here where one picks out what is pleasing to his/her personality. But for those who are so "unfortunate" to be born and raised elsewhere, maybe even not having the possibility of learning about other religions than the one they have grown up with, choosing the religion is not something that is easy or even thinkable.

Posted by: Una at April 12, 2006 06:22 PM Permalink

Maybe Islamic embassies haven't been torched yet, but there have been many burnings and destroying of mosques. It's so frustrating when thousands are against you, when you have done nothing wrong. Like I said, there are millions of different Muslims. Muslims have it very hard. How sad is it that even in America, Muslims are afraid to admit their religion? 9/11 and Iraq has made probably the biggest stereotype of Muslims ever made.

Posted by: Anji at April 12, 2006 09:24 PM Permalink

Hmmm, Anji, there will always be errors made when someone tries to make general statements about large groups of people. It is even difficult to make correct statements about religions/ideologies, since there are often a wide range of variations. I mean...say 'Christianity' or 'Islam' or 'Judaism' or 'Communism' or whatever...there are hundreds of 'Christian' religions of all flavors. The same goes for the other ones too. To make a true statement about all Christian churches is difficult. Still generalizations are useful. They are rarely all true or all false, but they are often largely true or largely false.

I don't care much for religion. But as religions come, I have to say that Islam is among the worst in terms of being intolerant. The demonization of Jews that goes on in the Islamic world has by far passed the indecency level of the Third Reich. As a comment on this, have a look at this right-on-target cartoon:

It is very popular, but false, to blame the hatred in Islamic countries against Jews on the Arab-Israeli conflict. The truth is that this hatred comes straight from the teachings of the prophet Muhammed himself. From the beginning Muhammed believed that his newly invented religion was so super that all Jews would gladly convert to Islam immediately. When he saw that he was wrong, he turned to hate, and started slaughering Jews. From then on Islam has always oppressed Jews (and Christians and Zoroastrians too). Jews were frequently massacred, forced to convert, had to pay extra taxes, were expelled, had to wear distinguishing garments, were tortured, and so on, and so on... This is why 856.000 (UN numbers) Jews have fled the Arab countries. Even more than the 726.000 (also UN numbers) arabs that fled Israel during the war that, by the head of the Arab League, was proudly descibed as a "war of extermination" (against the Jews, of course).

I never understood what drives people to believe in a religion (any religion). But the majority of people do, so I just have to accept it. Most religious people are pretty harmless in my eyes, but there are lots of not-so-harmless people too. Among the most dangerous (to me) are the Muslims that preach that all Jews should be exterminated. They love citing the hadith by Abu-Huraira from the 7th century:
"The Hour [Resurrection] will not take place until the Muslims fight the Jews, and kill them. And the Jews will hide behind the rock and tree, and the rock and tree will say: oh Muslim, oh servant of Allah, this is a Jew behind me, come and kill him!"

You see, Anji, I don't care what people believe in or what color their skin is...but I do mind when people want to kill me for no reason at all.

Enough of you, Anji. I give you two more links. First, a Pesach problem finally solved:

Second, regarding the Iranian cartoon-about-the-holocaust contest. An israeli heard about the contest, and he figured that "Anything the Iranians can do, we can do better!", so he initiated an Israeli Anti-Semitic Cartoons Contest. Hilarious!

Chag Sameach to you all from Sweden!

Posted by: Torbjörn Karfunkel at April 13, 2006 10:38 PM Permalink

Anji, if I remember correctly, Muslims have called xtians infidels for rejecting Mohammed as a prophet. Do you happen to remember what they did to the Church of the Nativity in Israel? Or, more recently, that a man in Afghanistan was almost executed for converting to xtianity? I'll bet you don't.

When "moderate" Muslims remain silent in the wake of terrorist acts committed by extremists in the name of Islam, what are we supposed to think? Muslims show their contempt for xtians and Jews on a daily basis, and calling them out on it isn't racism, especially since Islam isn't even a race to.

And I'm willing to bet that the only reason you think Maria should get over herself and look at things from a view other than her own is because it doesn't happen to coincide with yours. If she agreed with you, you wouldn't care. lol.

And Maria: No, I'm not kidding, unfortunately. I actually know one of the editors: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acton_Gorton
(It explains what happened, in the last sentence.)

Posted by: Miri at April 17, 2006 05:24 AM Permalink

I'll bet Muhammad never envisioned how much humor his dumb ass would give the world.

Posted by: The Rogue Jew at May 9, 2006 06:26 PM Permalink

"Anyway, I hope a moslem or two stumble into this page and find this picture offensive"
I think you better get hospitalized or something, you are SICK!

Posted by: Meir at May 18, 2006 06:15 PM Permalink