I have had the worst day. The worst.
First my paycheck was far too low. I went to see my boss, ready to bite his head off. It turns out I'm the one who messed up, and part of my paycheck ended up in another girl's account because of it. The problem is, she already quit, and has switched her mobile phone off, and disappeared. My co worker Thorunn says she probably ran off to Argentina with my money.
Just when I was beginning to feel better, I found out that I failed my course in statistics & research methods.
I'm so sorry to hear about your statistics & research methods grade. I was going to suggest you go give yourself some 'retail therapy', but after hearing about your paycheck snafu maybe this wouldn't be the best time for that, huh? Sorry.
Posted by: David at September 1, 2005 02:18 PM Permalink