August 12, 2005

Sportmanship? Forget it.

I'm so glad they kicked their butts. Just like Yediot Ahronot's article says, victory is indeed sweet for Israel's Maccabi Petach Tikva, against the shamless Macedonian team, their idiot coach, and most importantly, the Macedonian fans:

Nazi slurs mar soccer match

Israeli team Maccabi Petach Tikva overcomes arrogance, anti-Semitism in outstanding opening game of UEFA Cup competition

Victory is sweet - A UEFA cup soccer game between Maccabi Petah Tikva and Macedonian team Baskimi ended in anti-Semitic chants of “heil Hitler” by Macedonian fans, after the Israeli team won an overwhelming victory of 5-0 over their Macedonian hosts.

Petah Tikva, second in the national league, reacted with much anger to comments by the Macedonian coach, who said before the game that his team would humiliate the Israeli team and predicted a 3-0 outcome in his favor.

But the remarks, and 1,500 hostile Macedonian fans were unable to deter Petah Tikva from placing five unanswered goals in the back of the Macedonians' net, marking a promising start to a campaign to qualify for the UEFA Cup first round.

High spirits

The mood in the Petah Tikva camp was excellent following the game, despite, or perhaps in spite of repeated anti-Semitic chants called out by the Macedonian fans during the game, including “heil Hitler” and “Allahu Akbar.”

Petah Tikva’s president, Amos Lozon, said after the game that his team’s opponents “choked. We did it, and did it easily, and we opened with a powerful blitz. The team was fully prepared, and we were aware of their weak points. It's not that they’re such a weak team, we simply played an outstanding game,” said Lozon.

Of course I think we can all agree that the concept of sportmanship is dead and buried (if it ever existed), due to far
too many
that we all remember..

Posted by Maria at August 12, 2005 12:24 AM | TrackBacks
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